Inclusion Charter 

  1. We believe it is necessary to cater for all community needs through adaption of programs on ice where required

  2. We are committed to create a culture which embodies a fair and respectful environment

  3. We believe it is necessary to have equity among all members

  4. We encourage participants of all ages, backgrounds and ability

  5. We strive for professionalism, empathy and humility with all our stakeholder dealings

  6. We will make Ice Sports in Victoria the example for inclusion

  7. We are committed to provide the best standard of the sport


Policies and Guidelines

Ice Sports Victoria Strategic Plan 2020-2026

Ice Sports Victoria Privacy Policy

 ISV Constitution

Ice Sports People With Disability Framework

Gender Equity Action Planning for member organisations of Ice Sports Victoria

ISV Gender Equity Action Plan V4

Ice Sports Victoria Inclusivity Diversity Policy V6

Ice Sports Victoria Code of Conduct